pub trait BitStore: Sealed + Sized + Debug {
    type Mem: BitMemory + BitOps + BitStore + Into<Self>;
    type Access: BitAccess<Self::Mem>;
    type Alias: BitStore + Radium<Self::Mem> + Radium<<Self::Alias as BitStore>::Mem>;
Expand description

Common interface for memory regions.

This trait is implemented on the fundamental integers no wider than the target processor word size, their Cell wrappers, and (if present) their Atomic variants. Users provide this type as a parameter to their data structures in order to inform the structure of how it may access the memory it describes.

Currently, bitvec is only tested on 32- and 64- bit architectures. This means that u8, u16, u32, and usize unconditionally implement BitStore, but u64 will only do so on 64-bit targets, and will be unavailable on 32-bit targets. This is a necessary restriction of bitvec internals. Please comment on Issue #76 if this affects you.

Specifically, this has the davantage that a BitSlice<_, Cell<_>> knows that it has a view of memory that will not undergo concurrent modification. As such, it can forego atomic accesses, and just use ordinary load/store instructions without fear of causing observable race conditions.

The associated types Mem and Alias allow implementors to know the register width of the memory they describe (Mem) and to know the aliasing status of the region.

Generic Programming

Generic programming with associated types is hard, especially when using them, as in this trait, to implement a closed graph of relationships between types.

For example, this trait is implemented such that for any given type T, T::Alias::Mem == T::Mem == T::NoAlias::Mem, T::Alias::Alias == T::Alias, and T::NoAlias::NoAlias == T::NoAlias. Unfortunately, the Rust type system does not allow these relationships to be described, so generic programming that performs type transitions will rapidly become uncomfortable to use.

Internally, bitvec makes use of type-manipulation functions that are known to be correct with respect to the implementations of BitStore in order to ease implementation of library methods.

You are not expected to do significant programming that is generic over the BitStore memory parameter. When using a concrete type, the compiler will gladly reduce the abstract type associations into their instantiated selections, allowing monomorphized code to be much more convenient than generic.

If you have a use case that involves generic programming over this trait, and you are encountering difficulties dealing with the type associations, please file an issue asking for support in this area.


This trait has trait requirements that better express its behavior:

  • Sealed prevents it from being implemented by downstream libraries (Sealed is a public trait in a private module, that only this crate can name).
  • Sized instructs the compiler that values of this type can be used as immediates.
  • Debug informs the compiler that other structures using this trait bound can correctly derive Debug. *

Associated Types

The register type that the implementor describes.

The modifier type over Self::Mem used to perform memory access.

A sibling BitStore implementor that performs alias-aware memory access.

While the associated type always has the same Mem concrete type as Self, attempting to encode this requirement as `<Mem = Self::Mem> causes Rust to enter an infinite recursion in the trait solver.

Instead, the two Radium bounds inform the compiler that the Alias is irradiant over both the current memory and the destination memory types, allowing generic type algebra to resolve correctly even though the fact that Radium is only implemented once is not guaranteed.

Implementations on Foreign Types

The unsigned integers will only be BitStore type parameters for handles to unaliased memory, following the normal Rust reference rules.

In non-atomic builds, use cell wrappers for aliased access.

The unsigned integers will only be BitStore type parameters for handles to unaliased memory, following the normal Rust reference rules.

In non-atomic builds, use cell wrappers for aliased access.

The unsigned integers will only be BitStore type parameters for handles to unaliased memory, following the normal Rust reference rules.

In non-atomic builds, use cell wrappers for aliased access.

The unsigned integers will only be BitStore type parameters for handles to unaliased memory, following the normal Rust reference rules.

In non-atomic builds, use cell wrappers for aliased access.
