Module bitvec::view

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View constructors for memory regions.

The &BitSlice type is a referential view over existing memory. The inherent constructors are awkward to call, as they require function syntax rather than method syntax, and must provide a token for the memory type even though this is provided by the prior binding.

This module provides a view trait, ViewBits, which provides BitSlice constructors available in method-call syntax with only ordering type parameters.

In addition, the traits AsBits and AsBitsMut are analogues of AsRef and AsMut, respectively. These traits have a blanket implementation for all A: As{Ref,Mut}<[T: BitStore]>, so that any type that implements a view to a suitable memory region automatically implements a view to that region’s bits.

These traits are distinct because ViewBits combines the im/mutable view functions into one trait, and can provide specialized implementations with a slight performance increase over the generic, but AsBits{,Mut} can fit in the generic type system of any library without undue effort.



Views a region as an immutable bit-slice only.

Views a region as a mutable bit-slice.

Views a type that can store bits as a bit-slice.