pub fn decode_slice<T: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>>(
    input: &T,
    out: &mut [u8]
) -> Result<usize, DecodeError>
Expand description

Decode bytes from base16, and write into the provided buffer. Never allocates.

In the case of a decoder error, the output is not specified, but in practice will remain untouched for an InvalidLength error, and will contain the decoded input up to the problem byte in the case of an InvalidByte error.


Panics if the provided buffer is not large enough for the input.


let msg = "476f6f642072757374206c6962726172696573207573652073696c6c79206578616d706c6573";
let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];
assert_eq!(base16::decode_slice(&msg[..], &mut buf).unwrap(), 38);
assert_eq!(&buf[..38], b"Good rust libraries use silly examples".as_ref());

let msg2 = b"2E20416C736F2C20616E696D65207265666572656e636573";
assert_eq!(base16::decode_slice(&msg2[..], &mut buf[38..]).unwrap(), 24);
assert_eq!(&buf[38..62], b". Also, anime references".as_ref());


This function is available whether or not the alloc feature is enabled.